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How to Stay Focused And Motivated In Recovery

man smiling in big sunglasses

Recovery is a journey, not a destination. By now, you’ve probably learned about tools to help you stay focused and motivated. Some days are easier than others in the journey. Everyone has their struggles, hopes, and dreams. What are some good ways, however, to make sure you stay on the path to success?

Stay Focused: Unplug a Little

We spend a lot of time doing countless small things that we don’t even think about, especially when it comes to media consumption.

How often do you check the news, scroll through Instagram, or read other people’s tweets? It’s the culture we live in. But the same culture that we live in is the culture that stresses us out. Much of the news is “bad news,” and many things that go viral on Twitter or Facebook are negative. And studies have shown that Instagram tends to make us feel inadequate, even though the photos we see aren’t even usually an accurate representation of life.

Try to limit your screen time and focus more on real-time and the people you talk to on the phone and care about at meetings. Focus on the people that help you with your recovery and less on things you can’t control.

Build Strong New Habits

Taking care of yourself is important, and it’s one of the things you’ll have to maintain in recovery. By building healthy habits, you’ll be able to create more success in life. These habits can help you stay focused and motivated.

What do I mean by strong habits? Simple things!

Consider Sober Living

Sober living helps a lot of men and women stay focused on their new life in recovery. Have you considered sober living? Get in touch. We can answer any questions you may have at 760-216-2077.

Once you're in recovery, it’s time to start keeping some healthy habits. The top one will be doing your best to stay substance-free one day at a time. Practices like going to your 12 step meetings or therapy appointments are some of the more obvious ways to help you stay sober. There are other ones, too, to help you along the way.

Life can sometimes be challenging, but it’s worth it. You deserve to enjoy your time, but don’t forget the basics. If you’re ever feeling tempted to use drugs or alcohol, reach out to your sponsor or a sober friend. If that doesn’t work, try to get to a 12-step meeting. Staying sober is always the top priority

Considering Sober Living?

Sober living is a great way to live in a peaceful, structured environment with others who have similar goals and challenges. If you’re looking for a sober living situation, or want to find out more about our programs, please call us at 760-216-2077.

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