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Watch Out for Boredom

man looking out window bored

There are a lot of temptations in recovery. It’s recommended that people with substance use disorders avoid old people, places and things. These are simple ways to avoid a relapse. Old people may tempt you to use, hanging out with people who use alcohol and drugs, and old habits can trap you in a cycle of addictive behavior that leads to relapse. One of the biggest triggers, however, is one that’s rarely spoken of; boredom.

Why is Boredom a Trigger?

When you first started using your drug of choice, you probably were doing it recreationally. If you bored, sad, angry or happy, as time went on, you used to “enjoy yourself” and “relax”. Addiction will give you any and all excuses to get high. Boredom was probably a big trigger. Whether you used to get away from yourself, relax, or stop thinking about your problems, boredom was probably a part of all of those feelings.

Boredom can lead to complacency, depression, and loneliness. If you’re bored, you’re not working on your recovery or you don’t want to. Your thoughts may start to drift toward the “good old times” – times when you felt like your drug use was fun and under control. It’s easy to see how this can lead to a relapse.

Remember: you have a substance use disorder. It is a lifelong and chronic disease. Your brain wants to trick you into using, and it will tell you whatever lies you want to hear.

Overcoming Boredom in Recovery

If you’re bored in recovery, that usually means something is missing. Here are a few things to think about:

Boredom is something that everyone experiences, but people in recovery are particularly suspeptible to its effects. Keep your focus on your goals and the good things in life; this too shall pass. Working on your recovery program and making time for your favorite things will help keep you grounded.

Why Choose Sober Housing

At By The Sea Recovery, we offer the highest sober living standards. With healthy structure, sober living culture and above all safety, we provide a space for everyone to heal and continue their recovery journey. Get in touch with us at 760-216-2077.

Everyone in recovery has triggers, which are small or large things that cause them to want to get high, drunk, or act poorly. These are things like situations or emotions (sometimes subtle) that caused you to use in the past. Because drinking or using drugs was your reaction in the past, when these situations happen to you as a newly sober person, you may feel triggered.

Understanding Triggers

Here’s how triggers work. Sally is a newly recovering alcoholic. She might feel a desire to drink when she passes the bar she used to go to every Friday night. She may be triggered on payday, when she used to spend part of her paycheck on a trip to the liquor store. When Sally gets in an argument with her spouse, her first reaction used to be to take a drink to “calm her nerves”.

Now that Sally is sober, she has to learn to understand and cope with her triggers.


3 Huge Triggers to Watch Out For


These are three big triggers for people who are new to recovery. Don’t let boredom, loneliness, or complacency grab ahold of you. Instead, share with others where you’re at in life. Go to as many 12-step meetings as you’re capable, and don’t pick up a drink or a drug. Take it a day at a time.


Looking for Sober Housing

Some people know they need some extra support when they have finished treatment. Are you looking for a supportive, therapeutic sober housing arrangement as you transition back to the community? We can help you learn about your options. Contact us at 1-760-216-2077 for more information.




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