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Keeping Your Recovery Momentum

When you’ve been in recovery for a while, you find some stability and serenity that you didn’t have before. But sometimes this serenity is mistaken for boredom, which can be a big trigger for some people to use.

Once you’ve settled down into your recovery and have stayed clean for a good amount of time, what else is there to do besides work your steps, go to meetings, and call your sponsor? Things aren’t as dramatic as they once were when you were new. But there is still plenty of growth to work on, depending on your individual needs and tastes. You have a choice what to do to expand your horizons as a clean and sober person.

Here are a few suggestions to help you on your way:

  1. Eat Healthier: For many people, this sounds like an obvious way to improve your life in sobriety, but many addicted people enter recovery with no real eating habits at all, nevermind eating nutritionally. Learn how to nourish your body and avoid foods that will take a toll on you later in life, such as salty and processed foods. You’ll help your body function better, which in turn helps your mind and mood regulation.
  2. Exercise: Exercise can help you regulate your moods, improve your attitude, and build a stronger, healthier body. Recent research also points to exercise as a way to help break compulsive patterns.
  3. Therapy: Many people need to delve deeper into issues involving their past, trauma, and current lifestyles. Treatment is designed to meet your individual needs and many people, even Bill W. found that therapy and psychiatry were helpful additions to a recovery program.
  4. Meditation: Many people enjoy meditation as a way to slow down, relax, and find peace in each moment. Life has a lot of stress, and meditation helps your brain cope with those stressors. In fact, research has shown that meditation helps people with decision-making, depression, and anxiety.
  5. Yoga: A lot of people enjoy yoga as a way to relax, learn about breathing, and to become mindful of their body. You will also learn essential stretches and poses that can help you reduce stress, anxiety, etc. It’s not for everyone, but yoga has been a great addition to many peoples lives in recovery.
  6. Volunteer: Find a place in your local community that needs your help. Whether it’s a soup kitchen or a 12-step meeting or event, you’ll feel better about yourself and “get out of your head” while you’re doing volunteer work.
  7. Enjoy Life: Sure, you can’t go to your old hangouts, but there are hundreds of other ways to enjoy life. Go to local museums, take a class on a subject you’ve been curious about, join a sports team. Remember that as long as you stay clean, the possibilities are almost infinite.

Being clean is just a stepping stone to a new way of life. You have a lot of time to explore your world and find new ways to enjoy it. Don’t be too timid about finding new hobbies – and don’t neglect your 12-step meetings. Every day is a chance for something new.

Sober Living

Sober living is a great next step once you’ve completed a treatment program. Are you interested in living among your peers in a safe, fun environment as a part of your recovery program? Get in touch and learn about your options. You can call us at 760-216-2077.

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