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Dirty or part of the journey? MMA and our zero tolerance mindset of sports #jonjones #cocaine #mma #jiujitsu

A one day gig. Was it for the media or to get bad press of the light of MMA? Is it use or abuse? Do we want perfect athletes or are we expecting them to be perfect and abstinent? Does the MMA test regularly? For what drugs? Ok, a bit too many questions but I think we come to too many conclusions and judgements before asking more underlying roots of drugs and sports. If these athletes are being not only competitive but outstanding, their use is obviously not hindering their activity to any consequential extent. Do we want to have zero tolerance and how heavy of a consequence to we want to give as a society? Is it a reflection of how we see drug use? (Here I go again with questions). Regardless, we send Jon Jones and family our support and hope this is a moment to reflect on substance use, our expectations, but most importantly, correct treatment and correct levels of severity. Something tells me inpatient treatment might have not been the most adequate yet as a society it seems its all we know or expect. May we support our athletes which motivate many of us and may we know no one is perfect.

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