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Eminem Shares Previous Struggle With Drugs That Pushed Him To 230 Pounds

Eminem Shares Previous Struggle With Drugs That Pushed Him To 230 Pounds : LIFE : Tech Times

The brave rapper and entertainer Eminem opens up abut his demons, difficulties and journey to health. We commend this talented artist that could inspire the over 22 million people in recovery from substance use disorders in the United States. We forget it affects everyone no matter our backgrounds, but that the vulnerability and honesty of this amazing artist can bring life to those not seeing beyond the haze of today. Thank you Eminem.

Ace of Kiss 'comes out' regarding his recovery after receiving the most coveted award in music, the hall of fame. Yet another grand name becomes open regarding a journey of life and a once seemingly held stigma that now seems a calling to educate and empower the community than anything else. Thank you for your strength through vulnerability.

A beautiful openness to share her hope. Bravo Gaga, taking a true story that might at first glance appear like the typical lifestyle or repetitive stumble of an artist's life, turned into an expression of life, redemption and above all a huge impact on many a followers that this talented and immensely creative woman is. What an amazing way to realize the power an artist has, beginning with Elton John and his ability to pass on the message of recovery. THIS is the type of story that deserves the hype. We support and admire you Gaga and can't wait to see your new material and the shift that you as a creative individual will bring. If you created such awesomeness high, the bomb is yet to arrive. Go rock and roll and our applauses go your way.

And many more continue to open up about their story and their struggle, sharing about the difficulties of recovery but above all the hope for those who continue hurting in still shameful and guilty space that requires attention to its right perspective: substance use disorders are an epidemic and once viewed as containing a physiological component as well as trauma based situation, can it be face the right way. Thank you Steven for being vulnerable and sharing with others.

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