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Your newspaper columnist is not a mental health professional...

man reading book

And these are the stories the public gets about substance use disorders, or commonly known as addiction or alcoholism: that your newspaper columnist or neighbor can provide adequate information to attend a very critical and much more complex issue than a one stop solution. The columnist uses an 'interventionist' (yes, she uses quotes) to offer an educated solution, one ending in 'would you let anyone else in your home do what she is doing?'. Where are the mental health professionals? Where are family dynamics explored? Why is it one of the most sough after topics yet such few professional support sought? Mental health is still a taboo, sought when things are breaking down and not a part of wellness nor lifestyle. In the substance use disorder field there is more attention placed in high levels of severity than prevention or education. Its time for a shift. Oh, and lets stop using the word addict and alcoholic, it perpetuates stigma and is a horrid self identification verbage.

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