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Staying Positive in Recovery

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When you first get clean and sober, there’s a lot on your mind. Recovery can be both exciting and scary, especially when you don’t know what your next steps will be. Soon, however, you learn coping skills and make friends. Life starts looking up as you begin to confront your challenges head-on and still stay sober. Some days are better than others, however, and sometimes it’s hard to focus on the positive.

Not all of us are born with a sunny disposition, and it sometimes takes a genuine effort to keep a positive attitude or see the "good side" of things.

What kinds of things can you do to change your mood on a bad day or prevent you from living in a negative rut?


Here are five great ways to help you stay positive in recovery:


  1. Learn and practice meditation. Meditation can help you calm your inner self and connect with your purpose in life. Through guided breathing, relaxation and quietness, you can let go of your anxiety, anger, and fear and just be for a short while. People who meditate often find that they have less stress, higher energy levels, and a positive outlook in life. Not sure where to start? Try Youtube or other video websites to find meditations guided by professionals.
  2. Surround yourself with like-minded people. There are a lot of positive, happy people in recovery. Pay attention to people who inspire you at 12-step meetings, and make it a point to exchange contact information. Make it a point to hang out with people that seem to feel good about the life they’re leading.
  3. Give back to the world. Start volunteering either at 12-step meetings or local nonprofits such as soup kitchens. You have a lot to give, and giving helps you connect to your community. Enjoy the feeling of being helpful and valued.
  4. Set goals for yourself. Nothing feels better than setting and achieving goals. Make goals for days, weeks and months. Start small and work your way up to the “big ones” if you’re worried about failure. After all, it’s a day at a time. Every day clean and sober is an achievement.
  5. Keep a gratitude list. Find five things every day that you feel good about and write it down in a notebook. A year or two from now, you’ll be amazed at how many things have changed. 

Staying positive is an essential aspect of recovery, but sometimes things happen that cause us emotional strife. Don’t forget your necessary tools – if you’re down, pick up the phone, get to a meeting, or find a sober friend to spend time with. There are plenty of people who want to help you stay clean and sober, and they do genuinely care about your welfare.


Are you looking for more information on living in a safe, supportive, sober environment? Do you want to know more about aftercare programs to help you adapt to the “real world” once you have finished inpatient treatment? Give us a call. We can help you find out more about your options. Just get in touch at 760-216-2077

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