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The Cobain Legacy: Music and Sobriety

We commend Frances Cobain, daughter of Kurt Cobain on her 2nd sober birthday. The impact of family hurts not only parents but also children, and the difficulties to overcome alcohol and drug use can become challenging given the social system reintegration and reliving trauma through the developmental stages that psychologically can become stagnant or thwarted in sobriety.

Sober living seems to have had an impact to extend her sobriety and the longer the supervision or support in earlier recovery the easier it is to attend the recovery needs. We salute the support she has received, the public comments and responsibility and inspiration to those wishing a life of joy after stopping addiction and alcoholism.

At By The Sea Recovery we want to remind society and the community at large of the importance of sober housing after addiction treatment and its positive impact on society as well as overall reduced costs. Congratulations Frances!

What used to be a hush hush etiquette of alcohol and drug recovery is now the proud boasting of overcoming a human challenge that is inspiring many and changing the rhetoric of addiction to one of substance use disorders with so many opportunities for help, change and true transformations. We salute you Sia for sharing the hope and joy of recovery and as people in recovery, thank you for making the movement of recovery to one of public, understanding and positive help, we can change the epidemic to one of finding prevention and solutions for such a global problem.

As fraud continues to be evident in the operations of sober living homes, the common denominator of the industry seems to call for standards. What structure or rules exist? Have they been proven to curtail drug and/or alcohol use disorders or relapses? What variables are objective? We need statistics and we need science. As much as we can use the excuse of there aren't enough services available for the problem, there must be an adhered structure and a common practice among sober living homes.

At By The Sea Recovery, we choose to continue focusing on quality, metric based objectives and structure. We look forward to hearing from your experiences and best practices.

And we never think we hurt others while we go around our own problems, specially in families. In Addiction, the confusion is intensified with the lies and the fear to communicate what's real: there's a serious problem with alcohol and/or drugs and believing that circumventing around members, many times the younger ones, will be alleviating or a less heavy burden. Its worse. This beautiful article depicts the story of a son's journey with the problem of a father. To those thinking that alcoholism or drug addiction is only one persons problem, we say think again.

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By the Sea recovery is San Diego's premiere sober living home. Call us for help & answers on how to live in a great sober house.

And the fight to regulate sober living homes continues. An Arizona bill seeks to license sober houses and recovery homes, placing an interesting point of view on a seemingly untouched policy for disabled housing, which those suffering from substance use disorders are under (ADA and FDH). Are there standards in sober living homes? If they are, they have not been published other than general variables finding support to sustainable recovery. It has been stated that those against the development of more alcohol and drug free housing lies solely on discrimination, yet after reading this article it seems cities or states do not want to close them down, but to make sure there are clear parameters by which to live either side by side to a community or to definitely set out specific boundaries to development. Is there discrimination happening? Im sure. Is it all discrimination? Im not sure, I don't think its wrong to want to find out what are the standards of sober living homes and are overseeing bodies such as the sober living network and caarr living up to these standards when certifying homes. If there is news, it will only bring us closer to attending the questions of the community and strengthening the core of recovery housing.

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