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Kratom, not your typical synthetic drug

What is Kratom? Well, since its not scheduled nor illegal, you don't have to worry until something horrible happens. Such as the suicide of this teen, or the huge amounts being sold as supplements to those seeking a natural high (or in common terms anxiety relief). Found at supplement stores (even gas  stations) this substance cannot be tested in a typical 12 panel, you have to send off to a lab to confirm  the blood level. It is very important to begin attending the production, manufacturing and importing of this substance as well as being aware of its effects. Any information is gladly appreciated at [email protected]

Manziel enters rehab. The timing with the superbowl seems like a perfect storm of celebration, media and gossip. I guess its not until it happens in the NFL that more attention is given to substance use disorders than even the entertainment industry (Whitney Houston, Robin Williams and Hoffman?) Big noise for a month...did we learn something from it? Thats its an epidemic? That its not only affecting 'big names' but also regular people? The Movie Studios with Hoffman had him do detox (as little as a week), only to have the pressure of money getting him back to work. If they relapse, whos to blame? Agents? Managers? Studios? Now we have the NFL. This will be a great opportunity to see how we view recovery and the time it takes for someone to 'heal' before they get back to the field. Will he get back after rehab? Will there be a time period where Manziel's needs are met before football is even mentioned? Heres to an amazing athlete who deserves not only a short term attention, but care for long term and attention to the family. Oh, yes. And an opportunity to educate the viewers. Ball is on your court NFL.

Aaah, so perhaps there is some science behind the caffeine overload of many in early recovery from alcohol and substance use disorders? Definitely worth throwing in more research. Starbucks wanting to sponsor a double blind study in early addiction?

A beautiful openness to share her hope. Bravo Gaga, taking a true story that might at first glance appear like the typical lifestyle or repetitive stumble of an artist's life, turned into an expression of life, redemption and above all a huge impact on many a followers that this talented and immensely creative woman is. What an amazing way to realize the power an artist has, beginning with Elton John and his ability to pass on the message of recovery. THIS is the type of story that deserves the hype. We support and admire you Gaga and can't wait to see your new material and the shift that you as a creative individual will bring. If you created such awesomeness high, the bomb is yet to arrive. Go rock and roll and our applauses go your way.
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