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Fiorina opens up on family addiction

"I buried a child to drug addiction," Fiorina said.

In a presidential election coming up, the United States becomes a little more aware of an epidemic with Carly Fiorina opening up about her daughter's battle with addiction. A long time stigma making its way to the spotlight in order to have solutions, options and plans ready to be implemented and placed in our healthcare system. Her vulnerability is a gift to the over 20 million struggling with substance use disorders in the United States.

A fresh voice into changing the conversation from 'war' to 'facing'. There cannot be a movement until it 'faces' the truth: an epidemic impacting 2/3 of the American population, not ignoring the indirect impact in the world and economies. By understanding that previous efforts to demonize or punitively attend a measure that is rooted in social, mental and biological features, morality does not have a stance in an event hurting so many and having such a weak impact although billions have been spent in unsuccessful attempts. Heres to Chris Christie. Aside from any political views, his stance on this situation is 'lean' on 😉

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