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Staying Sober (and Serene) in the Long-Term

Staying sober long-term is the ultimate goal for most people who go to substance abuse treatment. What are the typical ways that people get sober? How do they get sober in the long term?

Detoxing From Drugs

Many people who are addicted to substances benefit from a detox program. Detox is a great way to get clean from addictive drugs safely. Some programs offer medication-assisted treatment, while others do their best to make clients comfortable.

Usually, there will be therapy groups and 12-step support available while you’re in the detox. It’s a time that can be emotional and scary. This is because your body is adjusting to living without the drug. Having a supportive environment to help you get through the worst of it can help you stay sober.

Getting Treatment for a Substance Use Disorder

Asking for and receiving help is the first step to getting sober. Most people go to detox then continue their recovery journey by going to inpatient treatment or an outpatient program. In treatment, you’ll learn more about yourself and your addiction.

Addiction, also called substance use disorder, is a disease that is chronic and requires treatment. As you learn more about your disease, you’ll also learn new skills to help you recover.

Openmindedness, willingness, and honesty are essential traits that will help you begin your recovery path. By being willing to try new things and being honest with yourself, you can start healing.

Treatment is a time for you to learn and grow. You’ll probably have a variety of therapies, including one-on-one and group, along the way to deepen your understanding of recovery and yourself. Aftercare and sober living programs can help you gain a stronger foundation in recovery once you have left treatment.

Aftercare and Beyond

Recovery doesn’t end when you complete a treatment program. Usually, you’ll start attending 12-step meetings and get a sponsor.

Many people find that they enriched themselves by going to a sober living program after completing a treatment program. A sober living program offers community support, and structure while a person transitions to more independent living.

Interested in Sober Living?

Are you or somebody you love interested in a sober living community? Learn more about the options we offer by calling 760-216-2077.

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